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Glory of Morning


Wakening dreamy, stretching under covers, snuggly warm

Musky heat slumbering solidly beside you, stirs

Still sleeping, turning, enfolds, clamping you to his form,

Settle closer, soft skin moulds to hard skin, purrs.


Embrace tightens in sleep claiming you, owned

Flesh on flesh, nerves responding to delight

Hold slackens to stroke, to wander. Moaned!

Wriggle, writhe, no mercy in this fight.


Rousing, kisses tingle at neck, teeth graze nibbling ears.

Tensing, pulse racing, hands knead and grip

Tweaking. Sweet pain aches within, trusting without fears

Breathe in his desire, gloriously hard against your hip.


No escape, muscles flex controlled and teasing

Fingers delicately probe, sliding slippery within

Tempting, warming wanting more, demanding pleasing

Turns, tongue flickering, rasping the surface of his chin.


His turn to sigh, climbing, mounting, your body seizing.

Welcoming weight, wrapping tight inside you,

Sliding strength impales, thrusting deep easing

Rhythm rocking, stabbing replenishing through.

Is it Music?

What turns random noises repeated into something we adore

How can just a repetitive beat make us scream for more?

No words or singing accompanies the sound

Yet my heart-beat jumps a bound.

Not sure if I like or loathe what I am hearing

Yet it affects my soul and leaves me fearing


That I am beginning to enjoy this techno beat,

It reaches through me and I tap my feet

Leaving questions as to whether it is what

I want. Yet deep down inside my gut

Emotions rise with long unfelt wanting motion,

Seeking speed, yet I know the notion

Is created within the driving thud

That is powering through my blood.


Is it music I ask? But no one answers,

Yet I can understand why dancers

Flow and writhe to the commanding

Rhythm which wants to get me standing

It orders me to move and reply

Waving my arms and slapping my thigh.


Yet I sit still as my feet twitch to join

And my legs wriggle up to my groin.

I feel somehow I should resist

But my body still wants to twist

And writhe even if I look daft

I no longer care if others laugh.


So you want to join my group?

You think I should welcome you?

And become your dupe?

So what you want to come and play!

I made this group for my friends

So I’ve decided to have my say!


It is up to you to prove

You are a writer of some worth

And I will miss your pithy mirth.

Convince me you’ll be lots of fun

Justify why I should let you in.

That the profile page you have spun

Was not just angels dancing on a pin!


So you wish to play with my toys?

And think that you can sass

Me? I don’t mind if girls want to be boys

But you’re silly if you think that I’m an ass!

To trick me with your trashy spam

Because that is simply not who I am.


I birthed this group by mistake

But I know what I want and need

So don’t think you have the right to take

Liberties, posting with some speed.

If I choose to let you in,

Be yourself and do not irk

Friends telling of love and sin.

Because believe I will not shirk…


To delete you just as soon

For I will happily dance

And sing a ribald tune

Mar and do not enhance

And you won’t get a second chance.


Reading a friend’s story became a pleasing joy

As her words bubbled out like a brand new toy

The facts were sparse, the proofing bad

But her joie de vivre could never make me sad.

The period could have been set in any year,

And yet as I read on, I had no fear

That I would have to bring her down

This writer could never ever frown.


My obligation was to give her a review

Fearing a lost friend, having to say adieu

But she made them live and love

With inspiration from high above.

So they capitalised by mistake

Leaving the prince regent to quake

Sadly diminished by the lower case

Prince Consort vanished without a trace.

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