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Patience is a virtue I’ve heard it often said

But laziness is just waiting lying in your bed!

So why is one a virtue and the other one a sin?

I don’t really understand where I should begin?

I cannot comprehend why I must wait

My books are good what do you hate?

If you truly believe that my work is good

Why don’t you value it like you should?


I’ve have tried so hard to compromise

Yet the being fair only seems to go one way.

You have all the spiel, you expertly improvise

But it’s less honest than a donkey’s bray

Trust has flown with honesty

Take that for your colloquy.

I have been patient, where is your proof

That truth resides under your roof.


Farmyard manure is true, it has its worth

To fertilise and nourish the earth

Whether it comes from a bull or a cow

It has more merit than do thou!

So now the time for waiting is done

I will not purchase any gun

I just turn my back and walk away

And live to fight another day.


Believing your loss will be my gain

Wait once more for my tale to be told

Perhaps this time I will attain

Something valuable that I can hold

And cherish, but now I assert

My dignity remains unbowed

I may be sorry, I may be hurt

But I still feel honestly proud.


So go and fool others with your lies

I have resisted all your ties

You have not bound me to your yoke,

With words worth less than purple smoke.

Does my leaving wound you?

I doubt you’ll care one jot.

But now I know you can’t be true

I will not squeeze into your slot.


On your heads I will lay no curse

You have nothing I now desire

What could I say that would be worse?

I beg only for the holy fire

To cleanse my heart from the muck

That rises to bespatter your name

I pray third time I will have better luck

But I formally renounce your shame.


I bless you fervently with my hope

That you get just enough rope

To learn the reality of the true cost

Of opportunity missed that you have lost

While I will fail to mention you at all

I will not glory in your fall

No scorn on you will I pour

Your name forgot for Ever more.


Sailing along on compliments, trying not to believe

Hoping that this time it will be different,

Perhaps they do not only seek to deceive.

If my writing was really as good as you say,

You’d do anything to keep me happy to make sure

I would not weep and walk away.


Yet, you my supposed friend have made me cry

In your vanity you have broken my dream,

My songs unsung, my spirit cannot fly.

Yes times are hard for us all,

Budgets must be tailored,

And heads expect to fall.


So did you expect me to simply accept and agree?

That I would cravenly surrender because you decree?

A good General does not always stand and fight

No, he waits until the time is right.

There is no dishonour in a strategic retreat

Before engaging his foe, he ensures he won’t be beat

Choosing his ground so he has the best chance

Of besting his enemy in the bloody dance.


My weapons are only words but they still can smart

I’ve used them honestly, you have not.

You’ve praised my work and torn my heart.

But now I will bow and walk away

My head held high, my honour intact

And I will fight another day.


I’ll dry my tears and crush my fears

I have other friends to guide me on

Regrets I have been fooled again.

Even when I had made it plain

That I take no prisoners.


You have burst my bubble, popped my balloon

A shame it took so long for me to discover

You can only play the same old tune.

My wounds pain me but they are not on my back

You may laugh as I leave you standing

But not realise that honour is what you lack.


I will not engage you in hand to hand

Your words are worthless,

Mine remain until rock turns to sand.

You have lost a friend this day

I lost only my trust in you

Now we will go, on our chosen way.


My victory will be when you see

Me rise above the ashes

Reborn, my words flying free

To despise you yellow livered coward

My success will be my victory

And I hope it hits you hard.

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